The Vow. A very apropos card for Aquarius as these energies are about speaking your intentions with your true inner voice. As I said in my New Moon
Abracadabra- I create what I speak.
This Vow card takes it one step further in that what you speak is seen as a devotion, a promise and a Divine directive that calls in your Divine, guides and ancestors to support you. As you set intentions for the month, year, or your entire life path, choose your words and your vows wisely because what you wish for will happen, so be sure it comes from a devotion to the path your are choosing. Remember you are making a promise to yourself, the collective that you impact (which is all of it), your Divine, and your ancestors. This doesn’t mean you need to control how the intention comes to fruition, and this is not about writing down goals and to-do lists, but it is creating the container for your higher vision.
Sit with your intentions and feel for the resonance in your body and then speak them and listen for the resonance in your words. Understand your intentions can come from a place of grace and devotion to your path no matter where it leads and not from a place of how much you can “produce”. Do speak your intentions out loud, because sound has energy and frequency that will amplify what you wish to do in both your inner and outer worlds. I would also as always include a vow of reciprocity and to give as much as you receive from these intentions.