Desireé Hershon


Yes. This is not the first year I’m not making any “plans” or resolutions. BUT, it’s the first year I actually feel no pressure to find my “word” or theme or whatever. I love the dream time, especially during January when it’s cold and gloomy. Looking forward to the Dreaming and Scheming soon. :)

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Me TOO! Thank you for joining me. The January theme discussion will be about slowing down in order to receive, so I can't wait!

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I loved this so much. Already I am looking at my relationships - which ones are reciprocal and those not, which ones I need more support for or to develop and which ones I need to allow more grace for and do I have it to give? I’m definitely sitting with a lot of things and am beginning to see dreams that bring me joy and not fear. This is a huge deal for me! Thank you for the sacred work you do!!!

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This was great. Love your pulls-no-punches intro to the post. I feel inspired to shut down my laptop for the night and have a sit in the dark with my ancestors on this Solstice-eve. I'm getting up to see the sunrise tomorrow, then pull solstice seeds from tarot with friends as we eat strawberries that were frozen on the summer solstice. Not enough quiet time in this frenzied world, so we have to take it for ourselves. And keep doing our work, as you said. I believe my work has to have a life of its own, independent from, yet making space for, whatever sh*t hits the fan on any given day. Merry Yuletide to you.

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much yes Keith! And I thought it was extra special being a Shabbat Friday. Even though I am not Jewish many of my inter-spiritual teachers are. To do the digital detox weekly is a great reset. I am a bit past sundown so I am off. Blessed Solstice to you. And yes showing up to the shitshow is what we are here for

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