Here are the January Dreaming and Scheming Journal prompts. Given that theme is Slow Down to Receive I invite you to really slow down and just “be with” the prompts. There is no need to answer them all if you don’t want to. Slow down, take some breaths, speak them out loud and choose the ones that cause a visceral response. That will be the first clue that some reflection on that question will be beneficial for you. If there are any that repel you, those may be calling you to go deeper.
You can choose to journal in any way that resonates for you. Written, spoken, visual-art and/or collage. I usually do a combination of visual and written. You may also decide to pull an oracle card to get more information on your inquiry or as a way to pay attention to synchronicities.
Prompt 1--What would I like to receive from myself to nurture my physical, emotional, and spiritual desires?
Prompt 2- How willing am I to open up to receiving what I need and desire? How can I open even more?
Prompt 3- If you resist slowing down, or if you resist just receiving information without “doing” anything with it, dig in and ask why that is.
Prompt 4--What support do I need from others (and the Universe) to feel held or to help me achieve my intentions?
Prompt 5-What part(s) of my life feel easeful and graceful? What parts would I like to bring more ease and simplicity to. What steps can I take to do that?
Prompt 6--What part(s) of my life am I feeling at my edge or in discomfort? What do I need to let go of and surrender to in order to step through that threshold and into ease and grace?
Prompt 7-If you are visioning for 2025 what do you think your year is about on a holistic level?
Prompt 8- How can you take an even more expanded view of your vision and desires and trust that the right path will be revealed to you over time and surrender to the mystery. How attached are you to "having it all figured out" and are you willing to let go, empty out, and let intuitive information come through?
Enjoy! And I hope to see you in circle January 6th where we will share wisdom on these prompts and what came up for you.