I am writing on this glorious Supermoon, the last this year and is named the Beaver Moon. This is your opportunity to dream into and illuminate those things that will keep you warm, cozy, safe and sustained as we enter the cold, dark winter. It is also an entering into the visioning and dreaming time, and the invitation is to do that slowly, and for the love of Goddess not with end goals and outcomes in mind. Not yet. Be patient. Full Moons are also a time to sit in gratitude. I am in deep gratitude for the life I have built, the abundance and love I have received and that which is yet to come. For some of us this last week has been a time of grief and loss, and for me it felt as though some dreams were shattered. Something I will discuss in another post and how I have emerged from the place I was to the place I am right now.
But really what I have been musing on is dreams and their longevity. Some dreams are meant for a lifetime and some meant for a blip in time. But regardless of how long a dream is held and sustained there is a deep gratitude for all the dreams that see the light of day (and some that don't), no matter how big or small.
I have been notorious for realizing a dream, and immediately asking "what's next?" As opposed to celebrating and then nurturing a dream into its next or new version. Always asking the question, have I outgrown my dream by the time I bring it into form? Has the journey itself been enough and then I am ready to create something new? And is it new or is it just version 2.0...or 10.0? Is my life just a long series of dreams realized (and sometimes not) or is it a continuous destruction and creation cycle? I suspect the answer is yes, both. Because really there is no ending and no beginning, just a spiral, or an Ouroboros eating its own tail, and birthing itself anew, over and over again.
What dreams are you creating, or re-creating, or outgrowing because it is no longer what you visioned? AND do you let it go completely or re-invent it? How comfortable are you with letting something go completely because it no longer sparks your soul?
Collectively, we are for certain looking at the "dream" and realizing it has not been so dreamy for so many people. This week has proven that and everyone’s perception of what living their best life looks differently. I do have a firm belief that I will ALWAYS stand behind and that is everyone wants the same thing for themselves and their families, but the approach is different. I believe when everyone prospers, everyone prospers. Quite simple really. But so many people don’t have the capacity to look beyond “me and mine”. That is what I grieve over. And I for one am looking at how my dreams of impacting more people in the world include guiding others to realize their dreams in a sustainable, inclusive and coherent way. And while my dreams have always included serving the sacred and serving others, for the last two years I have been in the messy middle of what the next version of my soul’s expression will look and feel like. I had to serve self first..and now I am moving from the personal to the transpersonal (and transcendent) and really sitting with what that looks like.
Do you have dreams that are morphing beyond self and immediate circle to a much larger part of the collective?
For those of you new to me, I used to have a Women’s Transformational Studio, a brick and mortar space that I knew was always just meant to be five years until the expiration date. When I opened the studio, I thought the "opening" was the realization of the dream, and part of it was. It was the culmination of an almost 20-year vision of having a physical space for women to gather, self-express, and be in safe and sacred space together to be witnessed and most importantly to create a community....within my community. But that was only the beginning, then I had to gather the women. And I spent 5 years doing that. For once I didn't realize a dream and move on to the next thing, I nurtured it, but now I must look at what else is possible. I always knew the space was temporal, as everything in life is. And that I did not need a building in order to hold safe and sacred space. And yet I will continue that part of the dream as it wants to evolve, and then grow into a new skin, a new version, one that I hope impacts even more people. One that goes way beyond the time and space of where I am now and who I am now, as well as, how I want to serve. And as the cycle goes there must be dissolution before there is revolution and evolution, and that is where I am now...the spaces in between all of that.
In my dreaming and visioning process I never come up with a word or phrase for the following cycle until at least the Solstice. But this year there has been a quickening, a sense of a more urgent need. What keeps coming through and the ancestors have confirmed…it is Re-Generation. And that means so many things to me on a personal, sacred work, and collective community level. How that wants to come to me and through me is still emergent.
Where are you in your dream cycle? I would love to hear.
Love seeing more of your words emerging and looking forward to connecting more 🥰