I was honored to be a podcast guest on The Many Faces of Cancer hosted by Melissa Grosboll. We discussed how my spiritual practices deepened on the journey, how facing death teaches us to live, and how finding joy, humor, and awe in everything is how I choose to walk through the world. I hope you enjoy!
Or Apple - https://podcasts.apple.com/.../the-many.../id1733362299
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Today's guest is Dina Tibbs, an expert in transformational group facilitation, guiding people toward why their soul is here on the planet as a coach, mentor, and soul companion. She's also a breast cancer survivor.
This is a great conversation about the metaphysical and spiritual. Deep topics include coming to terms with the possibility of dying, experiencing awe in all things, not taking life too seriously, and truly being present in every moment, along with so much more!!
You can find Dina at https://mavenandsagecounsulting.com
You can find her writing at https://www.mavens-nest.com
We talked about the book Awe: The New Science of Everyday Wonder and How it Can Transform Your Life by Dacher Keltner
Let me know your takeaways from this episode!! My hope is this inspires you whether you or someone you love has been affected by cancer.